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Server-side .NET query builder for JavaScript data tables

This builder automatically transforms AJAX requests coming from a JavaScript datatable into LINQ queries against the Entity Framework data model according to the provided configuration.

Can be used with any JavaScript datatable component that supports server-side processing (currently tested on and vue-good-table only).

Usage with DataTables

If you're using DataTables or wrappers around it, install the DataTableQueryBuilder.DataTables NuGet package:

dotnet add package DataTableQueryBuilder.DataTables

Then register the built-in model binder to automatically bind incoming AJAX requests from DataTables to DataTableRequest model:

using DataTableQueryBuilder.DataTables;
public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Usage with other JavaScript datatables

For other JavaScript datatable components, install the DataTableQueryBuilder.Generic NuGet package instead:

dotnet add package DataTableQueryBuilder.Generic

In order to automatically bind incoming AJAX requests to DataTableRequest model, your JavaScript datatable should send requests in a specific JSON format.

Released under the MIT License.